Alice Walker by Daisy Mejia

Alice Walker


            Alice Walker was an African- American novelist and a poet. She was best known for the color purple book in 1987. It then was turned into a movie by Steven Spielberg. Since then she was famous because of her short stories and poems.

            She was born on February 9,1944, in Eatenton,Georgia. In 1952, Walker was accidentally wounded in the right eye with  shot gun from BB gun, by one of her brothers. Her parents didn’t have a car because the were poor. A week later they went to the hospital and it was too late, she was blind only in the right eye. She then was taunted and started writing poetry. When she was in high school ,she was a valedictorian. She was popular and was queen of her senior class. Years passed, Alice then married Melvyn Roseman Leventha. He was a Jewish civil rights lawyer. They married in March 17, 1967 in New York City. They had a daughter named Rebecca. After that they got divorced in 1976.

            In conclusion, Alice Walker was best known for the color purple book. She is a famous poet/ short story novelist. She was born February 9,1944 in eatenton, Georgia. She was blinded in the right eye. Although many bad things happen to her she became what she wanted in life.

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